Oil And Gas Company Located at Warri Delta State: A Website Project Delivered by Starlink Info Tech

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Eurowells Ltd is an oil company owned by the famous Prince Yemi Emiko of Warri Kingdom. They needed a new website to showcase their products and services, as well as provide a platform for potential clients to get in touch with them.

Our team was tasked with designing and developing a website that would represent Eurowells Ltd in a professional and modern way, while also showcasing the company’s history and achievements.

Our Solution:

We started by conducting extensive research on the oil industry and its target audience. Our design team then created a modern and sleek website with a color scheme that matched the company’s brand.

We added several pages to the website, including a home page, about page, services page, news page, and contact page. The home page features a slideshow of images showcasing Eurowells Ltd’s achievements and history, as well as a prominent call-to-action button for potential clients to contact the company.

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The services page highlights the different services that Eurowells Ltd offers, including exploration, drilling, and production. Each service has its own dedicated page with detailed information and images.

We also added a news page to keep visitors updated on the latest news and events in the oil industry, as well as a contact page with a simple form for potential clients to get in touch with the company.


Our team is proud to have delivered a website that meets Eurowells Ltd’s requirements and exceeds their expectations. The website has received positive feedback from both the client and visitors, and has helped to increase the company’s online presence and generate new leads.

We were honored to work with such a reputable client as Prince Yemi Emiko of Warri Kingdom, and we are confident that the website we delivered will help to further enhance Eurowells Ltd’s reputation as a leading player in the oil industry.